Natural Language PostgreSQL
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Try these queries:
SF vs NY
Compare count of unicorns in SF and NY over time
US vs China
Compare unicorn valuations in the US vs China over time
Top countries
Countries with highest unicorn density
Yearly count
Show the number of unicorns founded each year over the past two decades
Total value
Display the cumulative total valuation of unicorns over time
Fintech vs health
Compare the yearly funding amounts for fintech vs healthtech unicorns
SaaS cities
Which cities have with most SaaS unicorns
Dense nations
Show the countries with highest unicorn density
Decade trend
Show the number of unicorns (grouped by year) over the past decade
AI vs biotech
Compare the average valuation of AI companies vs. biotech companies
Top investors
Investors with the most unicorns
This application uses the
to allow you to query a PostgreSQL database with natural language. The dataset is CB Insights' list of all unicorn companies. Learn more at
CB Insights